miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Encendiendo Bombillas

Date: 18th February.
Ana Escribano's reflection:

The first thing this group did was showing and explaining the team plan with tables. They talked about micro-tasks, responsibilities and commitments like the rest of the groups. I liked that they also included a table about what they had learned doing this project.
The subject the chose to develop was Science, aimed at 3rd and 4th grade students. The specific topic was the plants’ classification.
They used the “Jigsaw” technique and, in general, I would say that the sessions and respective contents were relevant and well thought. In order to complete the work they had to go on a trip to the Botanical Garden, which I found interesting.
The only thing I found a little confusing is the task assigned to the expert groups. They specialized in one aspect of the plant and, apparently, had to work together during the trip. However, the teacher had told the characteristics of a tree they had to find to the base group. Each base group had to look for a different tree, but they were not together exchanging information and telling each other what they had learned. It was after the trip when the base groups got together again and share their knowledge. In my opinion, there should have been time assigned before the visit to the Botanical Garden to work in the base groups since the objective should be learning about all the characteristics of a certain tree, not just your expert area.
Finally, it was a good idea to give certificates to all the participants and hand out prizes rewarding different skills and the work done in different areas, so that every group has one award and do not feel left out.

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