martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Reflection about 'The four magic teachers'

Ana González's reflection: 

The four magic teachers have presented today their didactic sequence about the language subject. They used original resources to make an entertaining presentation. About the didactic sequence, they explained what s the cooperative learning and what techniques it contents. Then, they show us what technique they would use in their sessions and why it is important to work in groups. After that, they explained us each activity of the didactic sequence. I liked them because they combined traditional and modern tools to teach  and it can motivate children to learn because the classes would be different, but I would change  some things at these activities. These sources should help students to develop skills and strategies for their future. In the activities our partners have proposed I can’t see that. This is a good idea but they could modified a little the activities to fulfilled their objectives.
 In spite of that, the rest of planned activities are very useful to learn cooperatively and make children know all of them are equal and they should help each others. The assessment was very useful too because children can evaluate them as a group,  in pairs, individually so, they children can express if the objectives of the cooperative learning have been fulfilled .

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