miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

The four magic teachers

Date 13th February
Pablo Magallares' reflection:
This group showed their project last Thursday. First, they explained their team plan. They choose language’s subject to develop didactic sequence about cooperative learning. They told us their team plan with a video that they were making. I think that the video was good idea. This part is few bored but with the video they caught our attention and interest. We have the opportunity to use new media and we must do it.

They told us that Students must learnt from experience and teacher did not explain words because if. In this way, they prepared a text relational with reality. Then they had an idea to revise their knowledge, a Gymkhana. Their project is really good.  

Finally, they told us that they will give to students a certificates for the activities. I think that we can not do it becouse if we give a certificate for all sequences to students, it will finish the trees of the world. 

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