martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

The four magic teachers: The ideal school

Ana González’s reflection:
This group presented a creative video to show us what are the problems of the school and how to solve them. On the video a teacher tried to solve all these problems with  help of teachers of other countries. The main ideas to improve the education were to develop a interdisciplinary knowledge, recognize the effort of each children, to change the organization of children in class to improve the communication and the work between children, let them develop their creativity and personality at school and improve the communication between students and teachers.
These are some facts to change the school. It’s easy to find the problems of education but it’s difficult to put them in practice because teachers don’t have enough support to do that. It’s important make people know these changes are necessary and makes them change their minds.  The future of society depend of children. They will be the future citizenship so it’s essential provides them the best education they can receive. The future depend of the present so we have to change the present problems and take action to improve.

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