jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Chromosome 5

Today I will talk about the film Chromosome 5. Andrea is the main character. She is a preemie baby such as 15 millions of babies in the world. Her parents must be constant and strong to confront this challenge. Although she was strong, being born a premature baby can have enormous consequences.

When she grew, her parents could see that she didn’t speak or walk normally like the rest of the kids. Then they discovered that their daughter had lost a little piece of the 5th chromosome. This is known as “the cat's meow syndrome”. it impedes Andrea from talking or playing with her friends, but the symptoms can disappear or reduce with everyone help.  We must treat hers the same as everybody else, without looking down on people like Andrea.

Unfortunately, Andrea is not the only person with strange disease. in the world there are a lot of people who have strange illnesses. About 75% of these people have been discriminated at least once in their lives. For this reason, I think that schools must have programs to include children with different types of illnesses. Teachers must transmit to students that all of us are equal and we don’t judge the other for the appearance. 

Finally, I think that all of the people who have an illness are great and strong people and we must get to know them more and judge them less. Andrea could win death and she, as the rest of the people who have strange disease, will continue fighting. Together, we can make their life better and easier. It is in everyone hands. 


  • Cromosoma 5, 2012, Maria Ripoll and Lisa Pram, Dinamarca, Coprodución España-Dinamarcahttp://www.rtve.es/cromosomacinco/ver/

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Chromosome 5

This documentary is about the effects the diagnosis of a disease like “Cri du chat” can have on a family. It is based on the “Little Black Book”, a diary, where the mother has been documenting the journey.
Andrea was born premature and, soon after, her parents suspected that something was wrong; she did not seem to gain weight and never cried, which is extremely unusual for a newborn. When Andrea was 1 years old, a geneticist confirmed their fears and officially identified Andrea’s disorder. At first, they were relieved to have something definitive and did not even seem so bad, but when the reality sank in, they felt fear and pain.
They feared the future: what kind of life would Andrea have? What about them? Would she be able to be independent? How would people act towards her?
They also felt pain because the reality was not what they expected. In a way, they had lost a child, they expectation of a healthy daughter.
Andrea’s father assimilated the news faster, but the mother had a hard time accepting that her daughter had “Cri du chat” and there was nothing she could do to change it. A minuscule amount of genetic material lost had made a huge impact on Andrea’s development.
Two years after Andrea, Billie was born. The two sisters have a special way of communicating, they do not need words. Billie notices how little Andrea talks but, since she is only 3 years old, she does not make any out of it. She loves her sister and encourages her to play and talk.
Andrea has “shared schooling”, which means that she spends 3 days on a special school and the other 2 days on a regular school. This is important for her development because in the special one she has individualized attention to help her progress and on the regular school she has to deal with plenty of kids and learns to interact with them, she is also pressured to reach their level.

In conclusion, this documentary is a story of the loss of a child and the encounter of other, just as valuable as the expected one. If Andrea did not have “Cri du chat”, she would be a different girl and that is unimaginable for her parents. They have learned to accept her as she is and have the strength to face unsympathetic people. Now, their wish is that she started to talk, which would be a huge step to improve her quality of life. 

domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014

Reflection about 'Cromosoma cinco'

'Cromosoma cinco' is a film which teach us how people confront the life’s problems and how the society observe these type of problems.
The story starts with Andrea’s birth, a special child who changed her parent’s life in all the aspects. Andrea has some mental and psychomotor problems and these facts complicated her parents’ life. They didn’t know how to take care of her so they felt frustrated.  This situation wasn’t only difficult at home. When they go out  they could observe the glance from the people to them.  These parents didn’t understand this situation. People don’t realized how their glances or their words can affect other. Generally people only pay attention to physical appearance and they don’t think what people can teach them or how can they help them.
When Billie, their second child was born, this situation changed and these parents started to see hope in their future.  It’s incredible how children don’t appreciate differences between them and how they integrate all children by the same way.  If children exclude someone is because of they have learnt by the adult people. Adults should learn to behave as children and to understand all the people have the same opportunities to be part of the world.
Differences between people are common. All of us are different and this makes us to be unique.  If we mark someone by his or her differences, first of all we should analyze ourselves and think how we are. We can learn a lot of values and know how is people through these differences so we have to accept them and understand they are part of us.

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

Our Ideal School's tables

Expected time/Real time
Reading  the documents
1h 30min
Designing work plan
Searching for materials
Writing a summary
Thinking ideas at home and making a list
Sharing information
Creating the video’s index
Designing the content of the video
Writing the script I
Ana E, Gizem
Building the ideal school with toys
Recording and taking pictures
Writing the script II
-/2h 30min
Ana E, Gizem
Recording our voices
Ana E
Recording videos
Putting everything together
2h 30min/3h
Pablo, all
Adding subtitles
Ana G

Personal commitments
Appearing on video
Ana Escribano
Improving my creativity
Ana González
Organizing my time better
Pablo Magallares
Organizing my time better
Gizem Mutaf

Team objectives
Fulfilling our responsibilities
Completing work in the prearranged time
Learning about the concept of inclusive education.
Reflecting about how to improve our education system
Making a video that shows all the ideas clearly

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Our ideal school

LASH:The ideal school

Ana González’s reflection:
This was the last group. They create a new school with different way to assess children, entertaining  methods of teaching, cooperative ways of work at classes ,  facilities for all type of children, etc. Through this video we could understand very well  what, how and why do the education have to change. All the present methods of teaching don’t let children develop all their capacities so this change is necessary.  Moreover  there are some special areas at this school for have lunch or rest there. School should be a mini- society where children do the same as at the real life and it would be a good idea.  At this video we could listen some opinions of people of other countries and realize the importance of these changes.  The countries with the better education of the world have incorporated these aspects. If we want to change, we should pay attention to the best education systems and try to improve the education system of our country.

The Minions: The ideal school

Ana González’s reflection:
The video of The Minions was very funny and entertained. We could watch like the other videos what are the problems of education and how would be the perfect school. They imagined a very big school centered at children. The library would be at the centre of school because for them, the reading and the literature is a very important part of the education. Moreover, this school would have a large space with courts of tennis, basket or football adapted to all the pupils where children could play sports wherever they want and the classes would be centered at children’s interests because school should be a place to learn by an entertained way .
All the changes we thought  should be centered at all the student because they are responsible to develop the world in the future. If they don’t receive the necessary education this won’t be possible and they won’t achieve their goals so teachers have to change their minds and educate children by a good way.