martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

The Minions: The ideal school

Ana González’s reflection:
The video of The Minions was very funny and entertained. We could watch like the other videos what are the problems of education and how would be the perfect school. They imagined a very big school centered at children. The library would be at the centre of school because for them, the reading and the literature is a very important part of the education. Moreover, this school would have a large space with courts of tennis, basket or football adapted to all the pupils where children could play sports wherever they want and the classes would be centered at children’s interests because school should be a place to learn by an entertained way .
All the changes we thought  should be centered at all the student because they are responsible to develop the world in the future. If they don’t receive the necessary education this won’t be possible and they won’t achieve their goals so teachers have to change their minds and educate children by a good way.

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