jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Chromosome 5

Today I will talk about the film Chromosome 5. Andrea is the main character. She is a preemie baby such as 15 millions of babies in the world. Her parents must be constant and strong to confront this challenge. Although she was strong, being born a premature baby can have enormous consequences.

When she grew, her parents could see that she didn’t speak or walk normally like the rest of the kids. Then they discovered that their daughter had lost a little piece of the 5th chromosome. This is known as “the cat's meow syndrome”. it impedes Andrea from talking or playing with her friends, but the symptoms can disappear or reduce with everyone help.  We must treat hers the same as everybody else, without looking down on people like Andrea.

Unfortunately, Andrea is not the only person with strange disease. in the world there are a lot of people who have strange illnesses. About 75% of these people have been discriminated at least once in their lives. For this reason, I think that schools must have programs to include children with different types of illnesses. Teachers must transmit to students that all of us are equal and we don’t judge the other for the appearance. 

Finally, I think that all of the people who have an illness are great and strong people and we must get to know them more and judge them less. Andrea could win death and she, as the rest of the people who have strange disease, will continue fighting. Together, we can make their life better and easier. It is in everyone hands. 


  • Cromosoma 5, 2012, Maria Ripoll and Lisa Pram, Dinamarca, Coprodución España-Dinamarcahttp://www.rtve.es/cromosomacinco/ver/

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